As part of the Erasmus + Strengthen online security project, the Colégio Atlântico team organized a webinar on online security. For this webinar we had the presence of a Police officer from the “Escola Segura” – Helder Costa, Tina Pereira – Director and coordinator at Colégio Atlântico, a Psychologist – Dr. Alexandra Chumbo and Professor Luís Pereira. This webinar had over 300 participants and was a success.

Erasmus Corner


In order to make our project known to parents who do not visit the interior of the school, we created a banner with information about our project. This is a way to make our work known to the entire community.

This banner is displayed outside the school entrance.

Journalist – Luís Galrão

Luís Galrão, independent fact-checker.

I started studying photojournalism but ended up dedicating myself to non-governmental organizations for more than a decade as an activist and member of the board of environment and human rights NGOs. After taking a professional journalism course in 2006, I’ve been working mainly as a freelance journalist, including as a local correspondent in Sintra, near Lisbon, for a national daily newspaper, and recently on a 2-year experience in a weekly economic newspaper in Luanda, Angola.

As a hobby, since 2010, I´ve also been fact-checking content shared on social media and mainstream media (fact checks shared mainly on my Twitter account @lgalrao). Due to this background, I’ve recently started doing workshops about fact-checking and media literacy in high schools and I’m also developing workshops for journalists.

The independent journalist and fact checker shared on social media the work carried out at Colégio Atlântico on the 10th of May. It was a very interesting workshop where they learned techniques to detect fake news.


Our fake news wall is a success. Our students continued to add new news verified with the apps and websites they learned in the workshop.


Do you want to know more about our Erasmus + project? Check our website and our Padlet with all the work that has been developed.

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